CDNs in High-Performance System Design

    System Design: Content Delivery Network (CDN)
    # distributedsystems
    # architecture
    # tutorial

    System Design (57 Part Series)

    1. System Design: The complete course
    2. System Design: What is system design?
    3. System Design: IP
    4. System Design: OSI Model
    5. System Design: TCP and UDP
    6. System Design: Domain Name System (DNS)
    7. System Design: Load Balancing
    8. System Design: Clustering
    9. System Design: Caching
    10. System Design: Content Delivery Network (CDN)
    11. System Design: Proxy
    12. System Design: Availability
    13. System Design: Scalability
    14. System Design: Storage
    15. System Design: Databases and DBMS
    16. System Design: SQL databases
    17. System Design: NoSQL databases
    18. System Design: SQL vs NoSQL databases
    19. System Design: Database Replication
    20. System Design: Indexes
    21. System Design: Normalization and Denormalization
    22. System Design: ACID and BASE consistency models
    23. System Design: CAP theorem
    24. System Design: PACELC Theorem
    25. System Design: Transactions
    26. System Design: Distributed Transactions
    27. System Design: Sharding
    28. System Design: Consistent Hashing
    29. System Design: Database Federation
    30. System Design: N-tier architecture
    31. System Design: Message Brokers
    32. System Design: Message Queues
    33. System Design: Publish-Subscribe
    34. System Design: Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)
    35. System Design: Monoliths and Microservices
    36. System Design: Event-Driven Architecture (EDA)
    37. System Design: Event Sourcing
    38. System Design: Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS)
    39. System Design: API Gateway
    40. System Design: REST, GraphQL, gRPC
    41. System Design: Long polling, WebSockets, Server-Sent Events (SSE)
    42. System Design: Geohashing and Quadtrees
    43. System Design: Circuit breaker
    44. System Design: Rate Limiting
    45. System Design: Service Discovery
    46. System Design: SLA, SLO, SLI
    47. System Design: Disaster recovery
    48. System Design: Virtual Machines (VMs) and Containers
    49. System Design: OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (OIDC)
    50. System Design: Single Sign-On (SSO)
    51. System Design: SSL, TLS, mTLS
    52. System Design: System Design Interviews
    53. System Design: URL Shortener
    54. System Design: WhatsApp
    55. System Design: Twitter
    56. System Design: Netflix
    57. System Design: Uber

      Before we start this course, let's talk about what even is system design.

      System design is the process of defining the architecture, interfaces, and data
      for a system that satisfies specific requirements. System design meets the needs
      of your business or organization through coherent and efficient systems. It requires
      a systematic approach to building and engineering systems. A good system design requires
      us to think about everything, from infrastructure all the way down to the data and how it's stored.

      Why is System Design so important?
      System design helps us define a solution that meets the business requirements. It is
      one of the earliest decisions we can make when building a system. Often it is essential
      to think from a high level as these decisions are very difficult to correct later. It
      also makes it easier to reason about and manage architectural changes as the system evolves.

    cdns high-performance system design


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